Friday, January 17, 2014

Keep Your Rants to Yourself

Dear rich or famous or semi-famous Americans,

I would just like to inform you that, in general, I don't give a crap what you believe about politics, religion, the state of the world, or anything else that does not pertain to the area of expertise for which you became rich or famous or semi-famous.  If you're a musician, then please confine your rants to the topic of music. If you make duck calls, then please confine your rants to the outdoors.  If you're in the food services industry, then please confine your rants to the topic of food and/or services.  If you're an actor, then please confine your rants to the topic of entertainment.  If you lack the ability to do that, then please don't expect me to be sympathetic if your off-topicness suddenly causes you to no longer be rich or famous or semi-famous.

Dear non-rich, non-famous, and non-semi-famous Americans,

I would just like to inform you that, in general, you give way too much of a crap about what rich, famous, and semi-famous Americans believe about politics, religion, the state of the world, or anything else that does not pertain to the area of expertise for which they became rich or famous or semi-famous.  Don't do that.  It only encourages them.