Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Everything's Bigger in Texas, Including Health Insurance Refunds

The argument that de-regulation keeps costs down makes one very big and often fallacious assumption:  that the market is healthy and competitive.  Such is not the case with the individual health insurance market.  Thus, policyholders in Texas, in which regulations are lax, found that they received higher refunds under the ACA-- because their premiums were higher to begin with.  Why were they higher?  Because any company that can get away with charging more money is going to do so.  The Laffer curve for the health insurance market looks a lot like the Laffer curve for the crack cocaine market.  There's a lot of leeway for them to jack up the price and not lose a single bit of demand, but that doesn't mean that they should be allowed to.  Sometimes, the greater good of society trumps the profits of one company or even one industry.  Society != Socialism.