Wednesday, October 2, 2013

To: Congress, RE: Your Job

I will be uncharacteristically brief about this.  Our founding fathers were very careful to design many checks and balances into our government.  Shutting down said government?  Not one of them.  We democratically elected the Congresspeople who crafted the PPACA.  The Senate didn't like the House's version, which had a Public Option, so they changed it.  The House agreed.  The democratically-elected president signed it.  The Supreme Court, through their power of judicial review, ruled it constitutional.  When given the chance to elect an all-Republican Congress and president who could have overturned the law, the American people didn't.  The PPACA is law because the government worked the way it was supposed to work.  Attempting to make the government not work as a way of stopping the law?  No.  Sorry, guys, but the checks and balances are all used up.  This is the USA, not Burger King.  You can't always have it your way.  We elected you to govern, not to hurt us in the name of furthering your ideology.  Representatives represent, and that means listening to all of your constituents, not just the ones who agree with you 100%.  Further, It doesn't mean using sketchy geometry to design districts that agree with you more.  If I wanted an unrelenting ideologue who is more interested in telling me what's right for me than listening to my needs, then I would have hired a dictator instead.